Ash Kenworthy Logo

digital media and instructional designer


Culture Cards
Unabridged On Demand
Little Bay


Ash's email

Culture Cards

Skills: Instructional design, graphic design, video production and editing, web development

Culture Cards was created as a capstone project for Harvard Extension School's Digital Media Design graduate program.

The site provides a way for adult independent learners to explore other cultures. Learners will find six quick research prompts to guide their way through exploration. Example videos demonstrate the level of research that can be performed and offer a mini-lesson for a more passive experience. Learners can fill out and submit their digital "card" with information that they discovered through their research. The cards are displayed in a gallery and represent a community of knowledge.

The site was built using Django, a python framework. The code is stored in GitHub and deployed through Heroku.

All page graphics were created with Adobe Illustrator. All videos were created with Adobe Premiere, After Effects, and Audition. All video content was filmed by Ash, or obtained from Pixabay, Unsplash, or Wikimedia Commons.

Visit the Culture Cards website.