Ash Kenworthy Logo

digital media and instructional designer


Culture Cards
Unabridged On Demand
Little Bay


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Unabridged On Demand

Skills: Instructional and learning design, graphic design

Unabridged On Demand is an asyncronous version of Harvard Library's Unabridged: a Library Research Intensive workshops.

The site provides a suite of self-serve modules that explore a variety of topics related to academic research and publishing. The module content was adapted from presentations and activities offered as part of the in-person workshops.

Each module offers some combination of prep work, presentations, activities, and further resources. The learning experience was designed to be comfortable and low-risk for an independent learner. WCAG 2.1 guidelines and inclusive phrasing were carefully considered throughout development.

All page graphics were created with Adobe Illustrator. All page styles were coded in-line with CSS and HTML.

The site is provided as a public course within the Canvas LMS.

Visit the Unabridged On Demand website.